//!!WARNING!!// Venting ahead. Continue at your own risk!
As I'm watching the Presidential debates that are playing on television right now, I'm left wondering if people my age are going to vote, and if they are, if they're going to vote RIGHT. Whether or not they'll do research before they vote, or just be ignorant and vote one way just because they 'claim' to be Republican or Democratic and everything in between.
I want to have faith in my country and the people living in it. I want to believe that we are the best (cause everyone knows America claims to be better than everyone else) because we want to help everyone living in our country. Not just the rich. I've been in the middle class or even less since the day I was born. The majority of the country are middle class, yet in the current state, the rich get richer, and the poor just continue to get poorer, no matter what they try to do.
Our country currently has a $430 billion deficit!!!!!! That should be concerning people right now. How is the middle class supposed to help pump much needed money into our economy when they don't have any extra resources just laying around?
Doesn't this concern anyone?!?!?!
Cause it sure as heck concerns me! I'm only 22 and I worry daily about my financial state. I stress about how I don't have insurance to cover ultrasounds and office visits for the lump in my tata (the first one alone cost me $100+ out of pocket) because I'm a full time student working part time. My hair is thinning because I stress too much about everything!
I want change and I don't any more of what's been happening to America to continue for another four years. I don't want my choices taken away from me because someone else 'believes' it's wrong solely because it goes against their religion and morals. Church and state is separate, please keep it that way.
If you don't want to vote for Obama just because he's African American or Muslim than shove your racist self where the sun don't shine. Sorry, but I don't want to vote for someone who chooses a female running partner only to fish for votes. (It shows how low you'd go just to win) We all know that Palin wouldn't have been chosen if Obama had chosen Hillery. It isn't about winning here, it's about making our country better.
So I am URGING those in my generation to PLEASE look into the candidates and to choose someone who will bring hope to Americans. Check out RockTheVote for information.
//!!END of rant!!//
So... The Boyfriend comes home from the library and tells me his friends are going to the titty bar tonight.
"Ok? So you want to go?" Is my response. Cause why else would he tell me this, right? I'm a laid back chick, I don't care if he goes. I just don't want him to go and blow all his hard earned money there. Cause we're BROKE hahahaha... duh!
Off he went... leaving me to a night of chick flicks and chocolate. No wine since we live with The Parole Officers (i.e, his parents) and they might say something if I'm sipping on some alcohol by myself.
My picks for tonight :
Sex & the City, and if I have time, The Princess Bride.
So until the next post,
Be safe loves!
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